Tuesday, August 6, 2013

This is bullshit.

I am shame.

How is it that the last time I posted anything here was last October?  I am destined to be a blogger.  Why do I keep fighting it?

I promise to do better.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cookie Crisp Oreo Brownies

Well, the only thing I suck worse at than blogging is daily picture challenges, huh?


I have a recipe!  Sorta.  It's just mostly already made stuff thrown together with brownie mix.  But, it was yummy!

Cookie Crisp Oreo Brownies

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chili Mac!

One of my favorite things to make in the crock pot is my chili.  HOWEVER, the kids requested since I was making it, that I make chili mac instead.

I slept in a lot later than I wanted this morning and then planted my ass in the chair and didn't move until almost 3PM.  It was liberating.

Since I knew I would not have 4 hours to cook the chili in the crock, I decided to just make it on the stove top and let it simmer on there for a couple hours.  Adjusting this recipe for the crock is easy.  Just put it in the crock pot and cook it on low for 4 hours.  Done.  That's the only difference.



Tuesday, October 23, 2012

30 Day Photo Challange

I'm going to do THIS!

Your Favorite Food
California Roll w/Spicy Mayo, Vanilla Coke

Garlic & Dill Skin On Mashed Potatoes

I made deli turkey in the crock pot tonight.  I had the deli cut me up some overpriced turkey at a 4 and threw it in the crock pot with a large jar of turkey gravy and let it simmer on low for about 3 hours.  I had planned on making stuffing and corn, but the kids wanted mashed potatoes.  I wanted something with a little more flavor than that so I decided on this...

Garlic & Dill Skin On Mashed Potatoes

Monday, October 22, 2012

Book Snobbery

I just finished reading James Patterson's "ZOO".

It's a lil'diddy about the end of the world as we know it...

It kept my attention, I actually said the words "...the fuck?" out loud at one point.  All and all I guess it was a good book.  But, I don't really know how I feel about the ending.  I mean, I get it.  But, I still don't know how I feel about it.  Most of the books I've read lately have sucked me in so much that when I'm finished, I feel empty and alone.  This book left me feeling helpless and hopeless and awaiting my impending demise.

**********STOP READING NOW!**********